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Organisation of Healthcare

The Region of Southern Denmark is responsible for the healthcare service.

The Vision for the Healthcare Service

The vision for the healthcare service in the Region of Southern Denmark is:

The healthcare service in the Region of Southern Denmark is there to serve citizens, and it makes an active contribution to preventing and treating illnesses – and thus improving citizens’ health in general.

The Region of Southern Denmark Runs Four Hospital Units

Odense University Hospital
Lillebaelt Hospital
Hospital South West Jutland
Hospital Sønderjylland

The Region of Southern Denmark Work with the General Practitioners

The Region of Southern Denmark works with approximately 800 General Practitioners (GPs) to provide medical care.

The Region is also responsible for subsidising medicines as well as treatment by dentists, physiotherapists, chiropodists, chiropractors and psychologists.

Moreover, the Region works closely with both GPs and the 22 local authorities to provide citizens with the best possible coherence in the patient process.